Coping skills for Holidays

The holidays are generally seen with glee and joy, or at least that’s how it seems. But for many, the holidays can be a source of stress. Whether you are carrying financial burdens, dreading interacting with that toxic relative/friend, coordinating holiday schedules, and even missing family or friends that you can not be with. Not to mention, the coldness setting in as the sun sinks away and the clouds stay. 

Please know, you are not alone in how you feel. Holiday stress is real, and is one reason why sickness increases this time of year. The best thing we can do is practice self care - doing things that we enjoy doing - but also using coping skills, such as the ones listed below. 

  1. Set boundaries. Since this will look different for each person please use the list to see if any of these might resonate with you: “I would really rather not talk about that”, “Can we talk about this later in private?”, “I do not have the mental head space right now”, “No”, and “No, thank you.” Sometimes boundaries are verbal, where you are setting a clear intention of what you are or are not comfortable with. Other times boundaries could be a behavior: such as making sure that you drive yourself so that you can leave as you wish, choosing not to indulge in alcohol or drugs or limiting time with toxic relatives or friends. 

  2. Do stuff for you. Take a bath, a walk, enjoy a hot cup of tea/coffee, read a book, get a massage, watch your favorite movie or show, talk to a friend, bake, cook, order food out, or be creative. It’s anything that you enjoy, that brings you peace and happiness. 

  3. Get moving. With pent up energy, sometimes we need to shake it off. Go for a walk, a hike, a bike ride, do yoga, stretch, or even dance the night away. 

  4. Drink water. With all the cookies, pies, chocolate covered delicacies, and an increase in alcohol we could all use a little more water. Beyond that, chugging water has a natural calming effect. It tells our nervous system, I am safe enough to be able to drink.  

  5. Be social or be alone. Some people are reenergized by spending time with others, and some people are reenergized by being alone. Know yourself - it’s ok to take time for yourself in whichever way best suits you. 

  6. Use your support. Be open and real about what you need. Do you need someone to just listen? Or would you rather they gave you advice? If you miss someone, tell them. See if you can get together. But honor the process, they might need their own time. Don’t forget you can always video call loved ones so you can see them. Or visit in whichever way most honors your needs.

  7. Breathe. Be mindful with your thoughts. Be present. Focus on your breath and let each inhale and exhale carry you to the next. Sometimes setting a timer for one minute to just breathe can do wonders. Or try ‘box breathing’ - breath in for 4, hold for 4, release for 4, hold for 4 and repeat. 

Remember too, that all we have is today, and sometimes focusing on “one day at a time” can help carry us. If you would like to know more about boundaries, self care, or mindfulness feel free to check out my other blogs that go deeper into each of these topics.




Speech from EVOLV


Mindfulness Insights